On 8/3/20 11:48 AM, Pedro páramo wrote:
Hi Rasmus, Josh and Rui,

First of all many thanks in advance about your help.

The first thig is sometimes you say " you are posting in HTML and that
makes the
post unreadable as this is a plain text list" how can I put the code in the
correct way, not html (attaching in txt?)

Set your gmail client to deliver in plain text.

Attached is a png file that is a screen shot of a Chrome mediated effort at composing a message and clicking the three-stacked-dots icon at the lower right corner. (Learn to use your chosen software tools by reading manuals or searching.)



The second about the code:

I have used this:

bwc <- cbind(bwfinal2,bwfinal)
df <- matrix(unlist(bwc), nrow=nrow(bwc), byrow=F)
bwchist <-as.data.frame(bwc[order(df[,2]), ])

bwchist is the ordered cum stock returns in the year but because is a list
it is not possible to plot and histogram with x (names of stocks) and the x
axist the value of cum stocks (reval)

when I put dput(bwchist) the console says:

structure(list(Accion = list("REE", "Enagas", "Grifols", "Ferrovial",
     "Acerinox", "Naturgy", "Inditex", "Bankia", "ENCE", "Aena",
     "Bankinter", "Mapfre", "CaixaBank", "CIE", "Colonial", "Almirall",
     "Indra", "ArcelorMittal", "ACS", "Telefonica", "Amadeus",
     "BBVA", "Merlin", "Santander", "Repsol", "Melia", "Sabadell",
     "IAG", "Acciona", "Endesa", "MasMovil", "Iberdrola", "SGamesa",
     "Viscofan", "Cellnex"), reval = list(-0.0200827282700085,
     -0.0590294115600855, -0.214126598790964, -0.220773677809979,
     -0.229653300324357, -0.257944379583984, -0.283942789063822,
     -0.285159347392533, -0.303814713896458, -0.30734460425763,
     -0.309408155539818, -0.319912221435868, -0.322790949659181,
     -0.344047579452905, -0.347919538415482, -0.356898907103825,
     -0.374263261296661, -0.40147247119078, -0.405150043834815,
     -0.406022775042175, -0.413786100987797, -0.440679109311707,
     -0.442603156492871, -0.491634140733524, -0.499254932434042,
     -0.6, -0.709737357505148, -0.724461258850966, 0.0220528711420083,
     0.0462767672643172, 0.115044247787611, 0.238734548714937,
     0.274578114644054, 0.343422896082666, 0.387826126094928)), class =
"data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

I try to make an hist or barplot but because it is a list no way to obtain
the plot.

Many thanks again for your help.

I have printed two manuals to improve my level, but if you can help me, I
would be very very gratefull.

El vie., 31 jul. 2020 a las 18:28, Rasmus Liland (<j...@posteo.no>)

On 2020-07-31 10:07 -0500, Joshua Ulrich wrote:
| On Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 9:55 AM Rui Barradas wrote:
| | Às 15:44 de 31/07/2020, Michael Dewey escreveu:
| | | Dear Pedro
| | |
| | | Some comments in-line
| | |
| | | On 30/07/2020 21:16, Pedro páramo wrote:
| | | | Hi all,
| | | |
| | | | I attach my code, the think is I
| | | | want to make a bar plot the last
| | | | variable called "bwchist" so the
| | | | X axis are "Accion" and the y
| | | | axis are "reval" values.
| | | |
| | | | I have prove class(bwchist) and
| | | | says dataframe but its still a
| | | | list because it says me I have
| | | | prove to unlist, but it doesnt
| | | | work
| | | |
| | | | hist(bwchist)
| | | | Error in hist.default(bwchist) : 'x' must be numeric
| | |
| | | So bwchist is not a numeric
| | | variable as hist needs. Aboce you
| | | said it is a data frame but data
| | | frames are not numeric.
| | |
| | | For future reference your example
| | | is way too long for anyone to go
| | | through and try to help you. Try
| | | next time to reduce it to the
| | | absolute minimum by removing
| | | sections while you still get the
| | | error.  It is also easier to get
| | | help if you can remove unnecessary
| | | packages.
| | |
| | | It is also unreadable because you
| | | are posting in HTML and that makes
| | | the post unreadable as this is a
| | | plain text list.
| |
| | Hello,
| |
| | I second Michael's opinion. When the
| | post's code is very long, there is a
| | tendency to have less answers.
| |
| | Please post the output of
| |
| |     dput(head(bwchist, 30))
| |
| | It's much shorter code and it
| | recreates the data so we will be
| | able to see what's wrong and try to
| | find a solution.
| Hi Pedro,
| Another 'best practice' and polite
| thing to do is link to other places
| you may have cross-posted.  That will
| give people the opportunity to see if
| your questions has been answered in
| another forum.
| I saw your post on R-SIG-Finance
| (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-finance/2020q3/014979.html),
| and started to work on a solution.
| I don't know how to do this in
| tidyquant, but here's how you can do
| it with quantmod:
| # all tickers
| tk <- c("ANA.MC", "ACS.MC", "AENA.MC", "AMS.MC", "MTS.MC", "BBVA.MC", "
|   "FER.MC", "GRF.MC", "IBE.MC", "ITX.MC", "COL.MC", "IAG.MC", "MAP.MC",
|   "VIS.MC", "ACX.MC", "BKIA.MC", "CIE.MC", "MAS.MC", "ALM.MC", "IDR.MC")
| # download them into an environment ('e')
| require(quantmod)
| getSymbols(tk, from = "2019-12-31", env = (e <- new.env()))
| # extract adjusted close column
| adj <- lapply(e, Ad)
| # calculate daily returns from adjusted data,
| # merge into a xts matrix, and fill NA with 0
| ret <- do.call(merge, c(lapply(adj, dailyReturn), fill = 0))
| # cumulative returns
| cumret <- cumprod(1 + ret) - 1
| # set names
| colnames(cumret) <- names(adj)
| last(cumret)
| # calculate histogram for period-to-date returns
| hist(drop(last(cumret)))
| I'm not sure that's the histogram
| you're looking for, but I hope it
| gives you a start toward a solution.
| Best,
| Josh

Wow Josh!  That's very elegant.

Myself now, I just plowed through the
original code to make it simpler, but am
at a loss as to how this histogram looks

         x <- c("ANA.MC", "ACS.MC", "AENA.MC", "AMS.MC", "MTS.MC", "BBVA.MC
           "SAB.MC", "SAN.MC", "BKT.MC", "CABK.MC", "CLNX.MC", "ENG.MC",
           "ENC.MC", "ELE.MC", "FER.MC", "GRF.MC", "IBE.MC", "ITX.MC",
           "COL.MC", "IAG.MC", "MAP.MC", "MEL.MC", "MRL.MC", "NTGY.MC",
           "REE.MC", "REP.MC", "SGRE.MC", "TEF.MC", "VIS.MC", "ACX.MC",
           "BKIA.MC", "CIE.MC", "MAS.MC", "ALM.MC", "IDR.MC")
         stock.prices <-
           lapply(x, function(stock) {
             tidyquant::tq_get(x=stock,from = '2019-12-31',get =
         names(stock.prices) <- x


         returns <- lapply(stock.prices, function(data) {
           tab <-
               data = data,
               select = adjusted,           # this specifies which column
to select
               mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
with that column
               period = "daily",            # This argument calculates
Daily returns
               col_rename = "idr_returns")  # renames the column
           tab[,"cr"] <- cumprod(1 + tab[,"idr_returns"])
           tab[,"cumulative_returns"] <- tab[,"cr"] - 1


         bestworst <- simplify2array(returns)

         namebw <-
           c("Acciona", "ACS", "Aena", "Amadeus",
             "ArcelorMittal", "BBVA", "Sabadell",
             "Santander", "Bankinter",
             "CaixaBank", "Cellnex", "Enagas",
             "ENCE", "Endesa", "Ferrovial",
             "Grifols", "Iberdrola", "Inditex",
             "Colonial", "IAG", "Mapfre",
             "Melia", "Merlin", "Naturgy", "REE",
             "Repsol", "SGamesa", "Telefonica",
             "Viscofan", "Acerinox", "Bankia",
             "CIE", "MasMovil", "Almirall",

         bwc <- data.frame(

| | | | bwc<-cbind(bwfinal2,bwfinal)
| | | | colnames(bwc)=c("Accion","reval")
| | | | bwc <- as.data.frame(bwc)

... aaaand you know something's
happening between here (where bwchist is
created), but you don't know what it is,
do you, Mr páramo?

| | | | colnames(bwchist)=c("Accion","reval")
| | | | bwchist <-as.data.frame(bwc[order(bwc$reval), ])


        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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