
i am newbie into ggplot and i thow that i have to learn a lot about this 

I am doing this function to draw an graphic:

posx <- theme_text(angle=45,hjust=1,face='bold',size=12)
posy <- theme_text(angle=0,hjust=1,face='bold',size=12)
y1 <- c(1,4,6,1,8,10,6,1,5,4)
x <- qplot(x=factor(paste('nomes',1:10),labels=paste('nomes',1:10)),
       y= y1 ,
stat="identity",xlab='',ylab='Y LABEL')
x + opts(axis.text.x=posx,axis.text.y=posy) + geom_bar(fill=c(rgb 

Now, I want to know how can i change the size of the bar. I want to draw it 
thinner than it appears into the R Graphics Console.

Another doubt is how can I use another format into the y label, called in this 
graphic 'Y LABEL'

Leandro Marino

Leandro Lins Marino
Centro de Avaliação
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