I just noticed that R package foo in the github repo
https://github.com/cjgeyer/foo no longer passes R CMD check --as-cran.  The
problem seems to be that it does not register native routines and thus the
C routines cannot be found.  It does pass R CMD check (without --as-cran).
The version of the package that does register native routines (package
fooRegister) in the same repo passes with or without --as-cran.  So did I
miss the announcement?  Is registration of native routines now mandatory
for CRAN?

Just asking because I am currently teaching about R packages in PhD level
statistical confusing and don't want to provide erroneous info.

These packages are toy packages to introduce the class to R packages.  I
don't actually want to put them on CRAN.

Charles Geyer
Professor, School of Statistics
Resident Fellow, Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science
University of Minnesota

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