On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 4:32 AM Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying out a modified version of the tidyverse actions, and it does
> seem to be going well.  Just one question:
> rgl has a soft dependency on alphashape3d, and alphashape3d has a hard
> dependency on rgl.  This means that I need to install in the order
>    rgl hard dependencies
>    rgl
>    rgl soft dependencies
> Currently I'm using this code to do that:
>    # First install rgl with minimal deps then the rest
>    devtools::install()
>    remotes::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE)
> but devtools seems unnecessarily heavy for this.  Does remotes have a
> way to specify the install in the right order?

I forget all the details here but instead of `devtools::install()`,
I'm pretty sure you can just use `remotes::install_local()`.

We also have an experimental workflow that uses pak
and pak should know enough about the full dependency graph to install
all dependencies in the correct order without additional work. This
workflow (and pak) itself, is still a bit experimental but we've
started to move the tidyverse workflows to use pak, and haven't had
many problems recently.



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