Who is responsible for the winUCRT checks? Perhaps that person could
provide us with a list of root causes behind the testthat failures,
and we could look into resolving them.


On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 7:50 AM Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The current CRAN release of rgl fails on winUCRT because of missing
> dependencies:
> 'htmlwidgets', 'htmltools', 'knitr', 'jsonlite', 'shiny', 'magrittr',
> 'crosstalk', 'manipulateWidget'.
> Tracing `htmlwidgets` shows it also fails because of missing dependencies:
> 'htmltools', 'jsonlite', 'yaml'
> and 'htmltools' fails because of missing dependencies
> 'digest', 'base64enc', 'rlang'
> but 'digest' only gets a warning (congratulations, Dirk!), 'base64enc'
> gets a NOTE (hurray Simon!).  'rlang' is failing a test because of a
> missing suggested dependency on 'glue'.  At that point I stopped searching.
> Does anyone have a list of packages that actually need fixes?  I'd like
> to help those maintainers with the necessary updates.
> Duncan Murdoch
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