Am 23.07.21 um 13:19 schrieb David Norris:
Because parallelized progress reporting in the incurs latencies 
too great for my application 
(, I have found it 
necessary to implement my own progress reporting using some of the non-exported 
functionality from `parallel`. (I do appreciate that Windows lacks the fork() 
system call, and will not support this. But am willing to make this an OS_type: 
unix-only package.)

Of course, I get a WARNING for this:

── R CMD check results ──────────────────────────────── precautionary 0.2.6 ────
Duration: 6m 41.8s

❯ checking dependencies in R code ... WARNING
   Unexported objects imported by ':::' calls:
     ‘parallel:::readChild’ ‘parallel:::selectChildren’
     See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator.
     Including base/recommended package(s):

Is this warning an absolute deal-killer on CRAN? Is there a 'correct' way to do 
`:::` that avoids the warning altogether?

The 'parallel' functions your package intends to access seem to be intentionally unexported. Their help page says: "They are not available on Windows, and not exported from the namespace", and "This is a very low-level interface for expert use only: it not regarded as part of the R API and subject to change without notice."

Correspondingly, the CRAN Repository Policy says

Also, ::: should not be used to access undocumented/internal objects in base 
packages (nor should other means of access be employed). Such usages can cause 
packages to break at any time, even in patched versions of R.

which kind of answers both of your questions. The policy thus implicitly advises against using getFromNamespace().

Best regards,

        Sebastian Meyer

Kind regards,
David Norris

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