On 6/21/23 8:33 PM, Rolf Turner wrote:

On Tue, 20 Jun 2023 17:39:48 -0400
<avi.e.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:

If you really need a new package name, is there an accepted way to
update the old name to at least provide a message for a while as to
the new name to use and perhaps have the load otherwise fail?

I don't know about "accepted", but the following paradigm seems to me
to be sensible and reasonably efficacious:

* you have a package "foo" the name of which you wish to change to "bar"
* create a new package "bar" which is the same as "foo" except for its
* now replace foo with a skeleton package which has only the file
   First.R in its R directory
* the file First.R should be something like:

.onAttach <- function(lib, pkg) {
        ver <- read.dcf(file.path(lib, pkg, "DESCRIPTION"), "Version")
         packageStartupMessage(paste(pkg, ver))
         msg <- paste("\n     This package, \"foo\" is now",
                      " deprecated.  Users",
                      "\n     should install and use its",
                      " successor  \"bar\".\n")
         packageStartupMessage(msg) }

* submit both "bar" and "foo" to CRAN

Years ago, I had package "RSiteSearch". I asked some R list what might be a better name for that. "sos" was suggested, and Duncan Murdoch contributed code for an enhancement. Then I added something like ".onAttach" to "RSiteSearch" and kept it on CRAN for a couple of years after introducing "sos". That allowed people to use the old package for a couple of years without forcing them to switch immediately.

          I think that worked quite well.

          Hope this helps.
          Spencer Graves


Rolf Turner

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