Dear all,

I'm currently having issues submitting an update to the ukbnmr package to
CRAN as the checks on their debian server are generating a NOTE due to long
running tests.

The offending test code is much faster on my own machine, and on all other
CRAN servers (running in < 1 second), and I tried flagging this as a
false-positive NOTE to CRAN without success.

I've tried cutting down the test dataset used, but this issue has
persisted, suggesting there is actually some sort of issue here that's only
cropping up on some architectures (although my package has no compiled

Has anyone else had this issue before with the CRAN debian server, and have
suggestions on how to proceed with debugging?

If useful, the offending test code can be run with:

system.time({ remove_technical_variation(test_data) })

Kind Regards,

Scott Ritchie

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