Dear Members,

How should the return values be documented, when the help page covers 2 related functions:

1.) Variant 1: fails the checks

\code{cryst1} returns a list of class \sQuote{cryst1} with the
following components:
\item{abc}{a numeric vector of length 3 containing the norms of the lattice
  vectors a, b and c.... there are more items}
\code{is.cryst1} returns TRUE if \code{x} is an object of class \sQuote{cryst1}
  and FALSE otherwise.

2.) Variant 2: fails in Latex

\code{cryst1} returns a list of class \sQuote{cryst1} with the
following components:
\item{abc}{a numeric vector of length 3 containing the norms of the lattice
  vectors a, b and c.... there are more items}
\code{is.cryst1} returns TRUE if \code{x} is an object of class \sQuote{cryst1}
  and FALSE otherwise.

3.) 2 separate Value-Sections

Did not generate actually 2 sections: only the 1st one.



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