It looks like a C++ run-time mismatch between what cmake is using to build the 
static library and what is used by R. Unfortunately, cmake hides the actual 
compiler calls so it's hard to tell the difference, but that setup relies on 
the correct sequence of library paths.

The rhub manually forces -stdlib=libc++ to all its CXX flags
so it is quite different from the gannet tests-clang-trunk setup (also note the 
different library paths), but that's not something you can do universally in 
the package, because it strongly depends on the toolchain setup.


> On 28/09/2023, at 9:37 AM, Reed A. Cartwright <> wrote:
> I was unable to reproduce the error on the rhub's clang17 docker image.
> I notice that the linking command is slightly different between systems.
> And this suggests that I need to find some way to get CRAN to pass -stdlib
> flag at the linking stage.
> /usr/local/clang17/bin/clang++ -std=gnu++17 -shared
> -L/usr/local/clang/lib64 -L/usr/local/clang17/lib -L/usr/local/gcc13/lib64
> -L/usr/local/lib64 -o actors.o bedrock_leveldb.o dummy.o init.o
> key_conv.o nbt.o random.o subchunk.o support.o -L./leveldb-mcpe/build
> -pthread -lleveldb -lz
> clang++-17 -stdlib=libc++ -std=gnu++14 -shared -L/opt/R/devel/lib/R/lib
> -L/usr/local/lib -o actors.o bedrock_leveldb.o dummy.o init.o
> key_conv.o nbt.o random.o subchunk.o support.o -L./leveldb-mcpe/build
> -pthread -lleveldb -lz -L/opt/R/devel/lib/R/lib -lR
> On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 11:36 AM Gábor Csárdi <>
> wrote:
>> You might be able to reproduce it with the clang17 container here:
>> You can either run it directly or with the rhub2 package:
>> Gabor
>> On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 8:29 PM Reed A. Cartwright
>> <> wrote:
>>> My package, RBedrock, is now throwing an error when compiled against
>>> Clang17. The error log is here:
>>> The important part is
>>> """
>>> Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rbedrock’ in dyn.load(file,
>>> DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
>>> unable to load shared object
>> '/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-clang-trunk/rbedrock.Rcheck/00LOCK-rbedrock/00new/rbedrock/libs/':
>> /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-clang-trunk/rbedrock.Rcheck/00LOCK-rbedrock/00new/rbedrock/libs/
>>> undefined symbol: _ZNSt3__122__libcpp_verbose_abortEPKcz
>>> Error: loading failed
>>> """
>>> From what I can gather through googling, this error can be caused by
>> using
>>> the C linker when one of the dependent libraries is a C++ library.
>>> I cannot tell if this is an issue with my package (likely) or CRAN's
>>> clang17 setup (less likely).
>>> Background about the package: rbedrock is written in C but links against
>> a
>>> C++ library (Mojang's leveldb fork)  via the library's C-API functions. I
>>> use a dummy .cpp file in the source directory to trigger R into using the
>>> C++ linker. That does still seem to be happening according to the log.
>>> Has anyone seen this before and know where I should start looking to fix
>> it?
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Reed A. Cartwright, PhD
>>> Associate Professor of Genomics, Evolution, and Bioinformatics
>>> School of Life Sciences and The Biodesign Institute
>>> Arizona State University
>>> ==================
>>> Address: The Biodesign Institute, PO Box 876401, Tempe, AZ 85287-6401 USA
>>> Packages: The Biodesign Institute, 1001 S. McAllister Ave, Tempe, AZ
>>> 85287-6401 USA
>>> Office: Biodesign B-220C, 1-480-965-9949
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