> The parameter responsible for this base64 encoding is called
> self_contained, which defaults to TRUE in the rmarkdown::html_document
> format, which prettydoc::html_pretty inherits from. Set it to FALSE in
> the YAML header of the vignette.
> Note that some other scripts and CSS files may be loaded from external
> sources if you do that. As a user, I would prefer this not to be the
> case, but I don't know enough about rmarkdown to set your vignette up
> to bundle everything except the images

Thanks for the detailed investigation and analysis, Ivan. For now, I've
followed your suggestion and added the option `self_contained: false`. The
revised package is now on CRAN, and you are correct that css files are no
longer contained for the version sitting on CRAN, so the vignette is less
pretty looking. I'll investigate if there are any other workarounds.

Your assistance is much appreciated.


        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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