Dear all,

I'm trying to publish an R package to CRAN. Their checks come back with 2 
NOTES. The first one is saying that the package is a new submission, and the 
second one is that there is a subdirectory with a package inside my package. 
Both notes are correct. I have explained in my submission comments that this is 
indeed a new submission. I also gave the following explanation for the second 
note in my submission comments: "There is 1 NOTE given by the R CMD check 
results. This is due to the fact that I have placed fake libraries with fake 
packages inside the "inst/tinytest/" folder. This was necessary to test the 
various import-system related functions in my package. As stated, these are 
fake packages, and only contain trivial functions of no consequence. These fake 
libraries with fake packages ONLY exist because it is necessary for proper and 
extensive unit testing, that is all."

They asked me to fix these notes a few days ago. I replied (politely) repeating 
my comments a few days ago. I have not heard back from CRAN since. I am 
assuming that I am missing something, but CRAN won't explain what exactly I am 

Here are the NOTES:
Status: 1 NOTE
Status: 2 NOTEs

More details are given in the directory:

Could anyone tell me what exactly I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


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