I'm doing a major update of the optimx package and things were going relatively
smoothly until this weekend when files that have passed win-builder gave NOTEs
on r-devel for several manual (.Rd) files.
The NOTE is of the form

* checking Rd files ... NOTE
checkRd: (-1) fnchk.Rd:40-41: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} 
checkRd: (-1) fnchk.Rd:43: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} 
checkRd: (-1) fnchk.Rd:45: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} 

The source of this looks like

  \item{msg}{A text string giving information about the result of the function 
check: Messages and
    the corresponding values of \code{excode} are:
        \item{fnchk OK;}{ \code{excode} = 0;
                       \code{infeasible} = FALSE}
        \item{Function returns INADMISSIBLE;}
                    { \code{excode} = -1; \code{infeasible} = TRUE}

I've not seen this before, nor does a search give any hits.

Does anyone have any ideas? Or is this a glitch in r-devel as things are tried 

I don't get the NOTE on win-builder R-release nor on local R CMD check. Note 
that the
\itemize is to give a second-level list i.e., for expanding output of one of the
\value objects returned, namely the return codes.


John Nash

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