В Thu, 26 Oct 2023 11:14:15 -0400
Cole Johanson <coldenjohan...@gmail.com> пишет:

> I have wrapped the examples with the roxygen2 tag *\dontrun*, but it
> is still attempting to run the examples.

Judging by the latest commit at
you forgot to run roxygen2::roxygenise() to regenerate the man/*.Rd
files (which is what R cares about). Your use of the Rd tag \dontrun{}
is otherwise fine and should prevent the code from being run.

I am not sure whether it's acceptable to \dontrun{} every possible test
and example, but if the code useless without a valid API key, so be it.
Maybe you could write your examples in
if(nzchar(getenv('SMARTSHEET_API_TOKEN'))) withAutoprint({ ... })
instead to make it possible to run

SMARTSHEET_API_TOKEN=YOURTOKEN R CMD check shartsheetr*.tar.gz

...and have all the tests run, the way your CI is currently set up.

Best regards,

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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