Thank you so much - Ivan!

I think that I need to update R to the latest version then.

Have a great day!


From: Ivan Krylov <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 1:36 AM
To: Aixiang Jiang
Cc: List r-package-devel; Simon Urbanek
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] DLL requires the use of native symbols

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Dear Simon,

Could you please look into this? The machines running r-release-macos-*
checks seem to have MassSpecWavelet < 1.66 installed instead of the
current version, 1.68. I think that MassSpecWavelet >= 1.66 would be
version-appropriate for R-4.3 (Bioconductor >= 3.17).

On Tue, 31 Oct 2023 07:31:12 +0000
Aixiang Jiang <> wrote:

> 'DLL requires the use of native symbols'

Interesting. It's not you, it's the MassSpecWavelet package, but the
error has already been fixed there. Look at the traceback produced for
the error:

>> Error in localMaximumSlidingWindow(x, winSize) :
>>  DLL requires the use of native symbols
>> Calls: MPC_DANM ... getLocalMaximumCWT -> localMaximum ->
>>        localMaximumSlidingWindow

The error happens in a function called 'localMaximumSlidingWindow',
called from 'localMaximum', called from 'getLocalMaximumCWT'.
'getLocalMaximumCWT' belongs to the MassSpecWavelet package.

The problem is that the maintainer sets R_forceSymbols(info, TRUE)
but then uses .Call() with a string containing the name of the function
instead of a special object that directly refers to that function. The
fix for that has been committed half a year ago
and became part of the 1.66.0 release and the following versions of the
package. The fixed package versions went into Bioconductor 3.17 (for
R-4.3) but not 3.16 (for R-4.2).

Best regards,

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