On 16 January 2024 at 15:54, Steven Scott wrote:
| Greetings everyone, though I expect this message is mainly for Dirk.
| CRAN checks of my bsts/Boom package generate an ASAN error that the CRAN
| maintainers have asked me to look into.  I recall doing this before (this
| error has been there for several years now) via a docker image that Dirk
| had set up.  I have two questions.
| 1) Which docker image should I use?  I imagine it has been updated since
| the last time I tried.
| 2) Is the image built with an asan-appropriate libc++?  I'm asking because
| the last time I tried tracking down this error, ASAN identified that there
| was an error, but pointed to an irrelevant section of code.  Brian thinks
| libc++ is the culprit.

Thanks -- maybe see prior messages. The container is on a scheduled weekly
rebuild, but for reasons that long escape me I also switched at some point to
relying on the 'sumo' container Winston builds by collating several such
containers and have used this myself for several debugging trips:


You want RDsan and/or RDcsan therein.


dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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