On 9 February 2024 at 08:59, Marcin Jurek wrote:
| I recently submitted an update to my package. It previous version relied on
| Boost for Bessel and gamma functions but a colleague pointed out to me that
| they are included in the standard library beginning with the C++17
| standard.

There is an often overlooked bit of 'fine print': _compiler support_ for a
C++ standard is not the same as the _compiler shipping a complete library_
for that same standard. This can be frustrating. See the release notes for
gcc/g++ and clang/clang++, IIRC they usually have a separate entry for C++
library support.

In this case, can probably rely on LinkingTo: BH which has been helping with
Boost headers for over a decade.

Writing R Extensions is also generally careful in reminding us that such
language standard support is always dependent on the compiler at hand. So
package authors ought to check, just like R does via its extensive configure
script when it builds.


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