Johannes Ranke <jranke <at>> writes:
> Dear list,
> R 2.5.0 packages for Debian stable (i386 and amd64) are now available
> from CRAN.
> The new recommended codetools and rcompgen packages haven't completely
> made it to Debian yet, but can of course be installed in the standard 
> non-Debian ways.
> Please consult the README file in the Debian directory, and report
> problems to me directly or to this list.

Dear Johannes,

your first R-build (without codetools and rcompgen) uploaded at CRAN
worked just fine, and when I discovered that you have provided another
build including both above-mentioned packages, I have upgraded flawlessly.
However, I have noticed that rcompgen installed under
/usr/lib/R/site-library, unlike all the other recommended packages.

Is this intended behaviour or a bug in the backport-packages?

Otherwise everything works OK sofar, and (last but not least) I'd like to
thank you for providing the R backports to Debian R-users!


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