I just tried the following in Gnome on Debian:

[A]: Launcher icon on the main window.
1. On the "root window" (i.e. the background), click with the
   right mouse button.
2. You then get a menu. Choose "Create Launcher".
3. Give it (e.g.) "Name: R", "Generic Name: R", "Comment: R".
   (you can change these to what you like: "Name" is what appears
   beneath the icon).
4. Enter the command you want to use to start R, including to
   start up the terminal window it will run in, e.g.
   xterm  -geometry 80x52+0+25 -e R &
5. Click "OK", and you should then have a working R-launcher.

[B]: Lancher icon on the task-bar (panel).
1. Right-click the panel. Choose "Add to panel".
2. Double-click "Custom Application Launcher (Create a new lancher)"
3. Proceed as in (3), (4), (5) above.

NOTE: Instead of explicitly writing the terminal program in the
Command, in either case, you can check the "Run in terminal"
button in the launcher setup. However, you then don't have control
over features of the terminal window (e.g. size, background and
foreground colours, etc.)

Hoping this helps,

On 06-Jul-08 16:32:09, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 6 July 2008 at 10:38, COREY SPARKS wrote:
>| R won't appear under the applications.  Go to the terminal (in the
>| accessories menu) and type R.  It will run in command line.
>| You might also want to install r-base-dev if you want to compile
>| libraries.  
> For the record, under Kubuntu, I see it via the 
>     Debian -> Applications -> Science -> Data Analysis -> GNU R
> menu path which makes sense given this menu file in the package:
> ?package(r-base-core):        \
>       needs="text"    \
>       section="Applications/Science/Data Analysis"    \
>       title="GNU R"   \
>       command="/usr/bin/R"
> Why Gnome doesn't show this I do not know but I'd be happy to fix that
> in the
> package. If somebody knows how to setup proper menu files, let me know.
> Dirk
> -- 
> Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.
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