On 23 March 2016 at 11:38, Barnet Wagman wrote:
| It's a Dell XPS 13.
| Obviously I don't understand what's in libcmanager0.  I wonder if I can 
| safely replace it.  I'm a bit uneasy about replacing things Dell 
| installed.  I gather there are some specialized drivers for the monitor 
| on this system.

i)  Apply common sense

ii) If that fails do 'apt-cache show libcmanager0'.

It sounds like a system library so it is unlikely to interfere with your
lapack/blas issue which is almost surely only affecting R (and possibly
Octave, Scilab, some Python libs etc pp).

'apt-cache rdepends libcmanager0' will show you who depends on libcmanager0.


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