On 16 November 2021 at 12:08, bodo riediger-klaus wrote:
| Hello,
| i get a key-expired message when i try to update my repository
| root@merlot:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# cat rbase-stable.list
| deb http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/cran/bin/linux/debian buster-cran40/
| W: GPG-Fehler: http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/cran/bin/linux/debian 
| buster-cran40/ InRelease: Die folgenden Signaturen waren ungültig: 
| EXPKEYSIG FCAE2A0E115C3D8A Johannes Ranke (Wissenschaftlicher Berater) 
| <johannes.ra...@jrwb.de>

As it is the personal key of Johannes, only Johannes (CC'ed) can fix it.
It is my understanding that he has been contacted, but as we had not said so
on the list it is good to have it here too.


| As you can see on
| there are two Expired Sub-Keys:
| sub rsa3072/5bc121cfdc61bdae03062260af83ce117fbb4c22 
| 2016-11-15T20:12:04Z
| sig sbind ad5f960a256a04af 2016-11-15T20:12:04Z ____________________ 
| 2021-11-14T18:17:46Z []
| sub rsa3072/ad7b5162ba456be3526f8d92fcae2a0e115c3d8a 
| 2016-11-15T19:58:24Z
| sig sbind ad5f960a256a04af 2016-11-15T19:58:24Z ____________________ 
| 2021-11-14T18:17:46Z []
| greetings, bodo
| -- 
| R.-Bodo Riediger-Klaus     IT-Dienst FB MI Freie Universität Berlin
| bodo.riediger-kl...@fu-berlin.de Takustr.9 R.038 Fon: 030 838 75175
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