Just to clarify the record: this branched thread is nothing to do with r2u

(but I'm definitely coming back to that later, but a new thread I think!)

On 24/08/2023 02:14, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

This got a little long so I'll chop a few things down.

On 22 August 2023 at 19:38, Chris Evans wrote:
| On 16/08/2023 00:06, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| >
| > That can happen, and pinning can help. I would suggest to look at 'apt-cache
| > polict nameofthepackagehere'. (See below for concrete example.)
| So I try this.
| root@Clevo2:/media/chris/Clevo_SSD2/Data/MyR/R/distill_blog/test2/_posts#
| apt-cache policy libmagick++-dev
| libmagick++-dev:
|    Installed: (none)
|    Candidate: 8:
|    Version table:
|       8: 500
|          500 https://esm.ubuntu.com/apps/ubuntu jammy-apps-security/main
| amd64 Packages
|          500 https://esm.ubuntu.com/apps/ubuntu jammy-apps-security/main
| i386 Packages
|       8: 500
|          500 http://mirror.infomaniak.ch/ubuntu jammy/universe amd64
| Packages
|          500 http://mirror.infomaniak.ch/ubuntu jammy/universe i386 Packages

This shows you two sources supplying libmagick++-dev: one from esm.ubuntu.com
security updates. That is fine.  The other is an add-on repo, just like r2u.

Oddly enough, it's not really that.  It's my local official repository which I selected using the "select nearest" months ago.  I assume it has slipped out
of synch with the main Ubuntu repositories hence my mess. Encouraged by your
message to see (what was perhaps obvious) I reset my repository to the main
one and a did apt-get update and apt-get upgrade which pulled a huge number
of updates.  Then apt-get install libmagick++-dev worked fine.

But we cannot limitlessly combine those. r2u assume "everything else" comes
from the standard repos and tries to (and succeeds, generally) in working
with it. So here, for now, I would point at mirror.infomaniak.ch/ubuntu as a
likely source of your troubles.
Clearly absolutely correct.  What's a bit worrying to me is that an
apparently official repository can get so out of synch with no more
human friendly alerts than my problem with magick!  I had seen using
the nearest repository as being a good citizen but now I can see it
can bite you.

Oddly enough the concern about "limitlessly combine" add repositories has
been a concern of mine about r2u.  I have felt in a bind with this whole
issue of repositories and packaging as I find I now have programs I use
a lot some that I can only compile myself (very rare), some that Ubuntu
installs (I think) as snaps (which I don't much like), some (notably
NextCloud) which seem to only promote flatpak (which I don't much like)
but are available in the main Ubuntu repository and in snap and some,
like r2u, which recommend adding a repository ... which I generally see
as better than compiling, snap or flatpak BUT which I know risks creating
package version locks.  At some point I want to go through /etc/apt/sources.list.d
and work out what I have and try to work out why and what should perhaps go.

[snipping the rest as the key issues for me are now all solved with your help: hugely grateful.  I will run things as they are for a few days/weeks (and, I
hope, sort out an unconnected problem with a distill blog and git repository
in R!  Then I will feel that I have the system stable and will be back to the
questions about r2u.]

Chris Evans (he/him)
Visiting Professor, UDLA, Quito, Ecuador & Honorary Professor, University of Roehampton, London, UK.
Work web site: https://www.psyctc.org/psyctc/
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(Beware: French time, generally an hour ahead of UK)

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