
On Dec 9, 2010, at 5:53 PM, Carl Witthoft wrote:

> I have two separate questions about help windows.
> First:  I'm running R2.12 at home under 10.5.8, and at work under 10.6.4 
> (Intel iMacs in both cases).
> At home, when I invoke help, e.g.,
> >  ?sin ,
> I get the help page in the Rgui help window (and my web browser is not 
> called).
> But at work, the Rgui help window opens, remains blank, and the sin help page 
> shows up in my default web browser.
> Is there a way I can either force my work machine to use the Rgui window, or 
> at the least stop the useless help window from opening up?

The default is what you see at home - and that is the intended behavior.

There is a preference "" that allows you to use an external 
browser (at the request of some users) - you can enable it using (in Terminal):
defaults write org.R-project.R YES

and disable it using
defaults delete org.R-project.R 

So chances are that you enabled it at some point in the past (maybe?) - it's 
definitely NOT the default.

Alternatively (if that's not the issue?) it may be some strange setting of your 
browser - but you'd have to provide more detains on that (e.g. do you use a 
custom browser instead of Safari which may be forcing that behavior?).


> Am I able to use the Rgui help window at home just thru some luck of 
> pre-existing conditions (from the  R 2.8 or 2.9 days)?
> I checked, and the Library/Frameworks/.../base/R/Rprofile files are the same 
> on both machines, as are my personal   .Rprofile and .Renvir files in my home 
> directory.
> Second: I noticed that on both machines, when I use the Search bar in the 
> document editor window (Rgui editor window),  the little pop-up results panel 
> displays the help page, with properly functioning links to referenced help 
> pages.  This suggests the help system is working "behind the scenes" somehow 
> on my work machine, even though it fails to access the Rgui Help window.    
> Anything I can do to adjust this?
> Many thanks for your help.
> Carl
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