On 10/03/2017 20:38, de Leeuw, Jan wrote:
Not sure of this has already been discussed. There is now a libpcre
sitting in /usr/lib (OS X 10.12.4) and R-devel does not like

OS X / macOS has had pcre 8.02 for years, and R has required at least 8.12 for years. (opensource.apple.com is currently broken, so I cannot check how many years.)

that version. So I had to use LDFLAGS to link with the pcre from
homebrew if I wanted the build to finish.

If all else fails, read the manual (§C.3):

'Those and other binary components are available from https://r.research.att.com/libs: you will need pcre and xz (for libzma) as recent macOS versions provide libraries but not headers for these (and the system pcre is too old at version 8.02).'

That build of pcre 8.36 is static, and so avoids any problems with dynamic load paths. It is trivial to build later versions (statically) from the PCRE sources for yourself.

Jan de Leeuw, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, UCLA Statistics

Brian D. Ripley,                  rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford

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