Note that at the moment there are many missing binary packages for 3.4.0, and BioC will update all their versions when BioC 3.5 is released this coming week. So I would wait a few days before updating, especially if you prefer to use binary packages.

> nrow(available.packages(, type="source"))
[1] 10477
> nrow(available.packages(, type="binary"))
[1] 9779

whereas for 3.3.3 10356 are available.

On 23/04/2017 09:35, peter dalgaard wrote:
Yes, especially this time, since the toolchain has been updated.

My favourite procedure for this goes like

(pkgs <- .libPaths())
(pkgs.old <- sub("3.4", "3.3", pkgs, fixed=TRUE))
( <- setdiff(list.files(pkgs.old), list.files(pkgs)))

Check for sanity(!), then install.packages( Things may need 
modification if yor setup involves personalized libraries, multiple repos, etc.

Just copying the entire directory followed by update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE) 
will overwrite packages from the installation of 3.4 and not all of those are 
CRAN based.

[To tell the truth, I don't usually practice what I preach. I just install the 
missing packages when it turns out that I need them...]


On 23 Apr 2017, at 05:49 , Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal 
<> wrote:

I keep forgetting.  So if I jump from R3.3.3 to R3.4.0 is it necessary (or at 
least advisable) to re-install packages?



Brian D. Ripley,        
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford

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