My Mojave machine today prompted me to update to version 11 of Command Line Tools (apparently 'beta 1', but I am not a Beta tester).

In short: don't do that (you can revert to 10.2.1 from the URL above, at least if your Apple ID has (free) developer privileges).

CoreFoundation.framework has been removed (and its headers are used in a couple of spots compiling R).

Further its seems that /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg is no longer included and setting CPPFLAGS did not suffice.

Hopefully we will have solutions in due course, but that version is really for 10.15 Catalina which is months away ('in the Fall', whenever that is).

Brian D. Ripley,        
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford

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