There are many of these. Some of these "solutions" copy the actual installed 
packages and then run "update.packages"... which is a very bad idea. Other 
solutions identify the names of the packages and install fresh (good idea) but 
they will hiccup when you install from non-standard sources. So some people 
will conclude that the former are "better" and then complain that "things don't 
work" when they should have preferred the latter and invested the effort needed 
for those non-standard sources.

You would be doing a service if you identified the blog you used so the mailing 
list archive can clarify to future readers which category of "solution" you had 
followed when you encountered this problem.

Do read snippets from the Internets before running them.

On May 25, 2021 1:28:20 PM PDT, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal via R-SIG-Mac 
<> wrote:
>When R4.0 came out,  someone on R-Bloggers post a very nice to automate
>updating your packages from R3.6.  I just used it to do my update from
>R4.0 to R4.1 - it works perfectly.  I would include the script here, 
>but since I don't have the exact reference I don't like posting someone
>else's script without appropriate credit.  Do a search and you should
>be able to find the entry.
>> On May 25, 2021, at 1:10 PM, Simon Urbanek
><> wrote:
>> Hans,
>> you seem to be using old library from 4.0 (see the 4.0 in the path).
>Make sure you remove old packages and use a clean library for 4.1 since
>you cannot mix packages from R 4.0.x and R 4.1.0. I would best
>recommend removing (or re-naming) ~/Library/R before installation to
>make sure you don't have incompatible old packages. Also don't forget
>to re-start R.
>> (Marc, I can't parse your post, it makes no sense to me, there no
>R-devel involved in any of this, so please post separately about
>whatever is on your heart as that doesn't seem to be related).
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>>> On May 26, 2021, at 2:06 AM, Marc Schwartz <>
>>> Hi,
>>> You might try a different CRAN mirror to see if perhaps the rlang
>binary that you are getting is corrupted.
>>> Looking at CRAN for the package, the results for rlang on what is
>supposed to be R release on macOS:
>>> shows a header indicating that R devel is being used, not R release:
>>> So, I am not clear if there is a macOS binary build issue that may
>be resulting in a conflict of sorts.
>>> A spot check of other CRAN packages (including my own) shows the
>same use of R devel for macOS, and not R release, so perhaps there is a
>wider issue going on with CRAN builds, unless I am missing something
>>> Simon (cc'd now) may be able to address that issue.
>>> Regards,
>>> Marc Schwartz
>>> Hans W wrote on 5/25/21 9:16 AM:
>>>> I installed the new R version 4.1.0 on my (normal) Macbook, and
>>>> everything seemed to work fine until one of the packages depended
>>>> the 'rlang' package and I got the following error:
>>>>> library(rlang)
>>>>    Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rlang’ in
>>>>    dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...): unable to load
>>>>    shared object
>>>>    dlopen(/Users/hwb/Library/R/4.0/library/rlang/libs/, 6):
>>>>    Library not loaded:
>>>>    Referenced from:
>>>>    Reason: image not found
>>>> So I removed 'rlang' and reinstalled it. There was no error
>>>> but when I tried to load it, the error message was:
>>>>    Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rlang’ in
>>>>    get(Info[i, 1], envir = env): lazy-load database
>>>>    '/Users/hwb/Library/R/4.0/library/rlang/R/rlang.rdb' is corrupt
>>>>    In addition: Warning message:
>>>>    In get(Info[i, 1], envir = env) : internal error -3 in
>>>> One of my current applications relies on 'rvest' which depends on
>>>> 'rlang'. For the moment I am using it from a Linux computer, but
>>>> quite unfortunate that I cannot run it from macOS as well.
>>>> I also uninstalled the new R version and reinstalled it, but
>>>> changed. Could you give me a hint on what to do (or what I did
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>"The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the U.S.
>Government or NOAA."
>Roy Mendelssohn
>Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
>Environmental Research Division
>Southwest Fisheries Science Center
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>"From those who have been given much, much will be expected" 
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