The short version of the question - does anyone know what build process is used 
to generate the libRblas.vecLib.dylib that is included in 
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/lib by 
R-4.3.1-arm64.pkg? I have not been able to find any direct references in the R 
source files or the build scripts on 

The longer version with context - I was recently interested in experimenting 
with the Accelerate framework / vecLib. Using CRAN's binary pkg installer 
libRblas.vecLib.dylib is provided and it is straightforward to change the 
libRblas.dylib symlink and get everything working.

However, I've typically used homebrew's formula distribution to install R on my 
systems which compiles R from source. The maintainers have currently opted to 
compile and directly link to openblas which prevents the swapping of blas 
engines via changing symlinks. Changing back to configuring / compiling with 
--enable-BLAS-shlib is easy enough but since Apple has now changed how 
framework dylibs are accessed it seems like something along the lines of 
libRblas.vecLib.dylib is needed, I just can't for the life of me figure out how 
to create it / where it comes from at the moment. An additional wrinkle is that 
for homerbrew fomulae everything must be compiled from source so the dylib 
can't just be bundled or downloaded.

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