Hi Dan,

Thanks a lot for poiting precisely the problem with ace. The only
problem with your fix is that the standard-error of the rates ($se) are
on the transformed (log) scale and taking their exponential is not
adequate. I modified ace() so that it now uses nlminb instead of nlm
with bounds on the parameters; the optimisation is still done on the natural scale of the parameters. The results are quite close to that
obtained with your ace.discrete. The fixed version of ace can be
obtained here:


and will be in ape 2.3 (on CRAN vefore the end of the month).

Emmanuel Paradis

Le 17.03.2009 20:20, Dan Rabosky a écrit :
Hi folks-

This is following up on a post from last year. When estimating state probabilities with ace() for discrete characters, you can get negative probabilities. They still sum to 1 for each internal node, but this just didn't make sense to me. See example below. Yes, this is a contrived and simple example, but I have now observed this behavior with several real datasets. Since the actual state probabilities as per the Pagel (1994) algorithm should be summations of probabilities over all descendent nodes, I don't see how these can be - in principle - negative.

The problem seems to be due to the fact that the rate estimates are allowed to be negative, as ace() is currently implemented; maybe something with NaN or -Inf values in the optimization.

Anyway, I modified ace and obtained results that seem to make sense, by optimizing log-transformed rate parameters, thus enforcing a constraint that rates are greater than zero. This seems to work. Also, optimize is supposedly more stable than nlm or optim (or so I thought) for 1-dimensional optimization, so maybe it should use this for a 1-rate markov model. As a quick check, I've pasted a modified version of ace below in case anyone is interested.

I think this *can* change results relative to the old version.

Example of the problem:

data <- c(1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1,1, 2, 2);
anc.states <- ace(data, skinktree, type='discrete', model='ER', ip=.1);

# Bad

# check with new ace, below:

states_new <- ace.discrete(data, skinktree, model='ER', ip=.1);

ace.discrete <- function (x, phy, method = "ML", CI = TRUE, model = "ER", scaled = TRUE, kappa = 1, ip = 0.1)
     if (class(phy) != "phylo")
         stop("object \"phy\" is not of class \"phylo\".")
     if (is.null(phy$edge.length))
         stop("tree has no branch lengths")

     nb.tip <- length(phy$tip.label)
     nb.node <- phy$Nnode
     if (nb.node != nb.tip - 1)
         stop("\"phy\" is not rooted AND fully dichotomous.")
     if (length(x) != nb.tip)
stop("length of phenotypic and of phylogenetic data do not match.")
     if (!is.null(names(x))) {
         if (all(names(x) %in% phy$tip.label))
             x <- x[phy$tip.label]
else warning("the names of argument \"x\" and the tip labels of the tree\ndid not match: the former were ignored in the analysis.")
     obj <- list()
     if (kappa != 1)
         phy$edge.length <- phy$edge.length^kappa

         if (method != "ML")
stop("only ML estimation is possible for discrete characters.")
         if (!is.factor(x))
             x <- factor(x)
         nl <- nlevels(x)
         lvls <- levels(x)
         x <- as.integer(x)
         if (is.character(model)) {
             rate <- matrix(NA, nl, nl)
             if (model == "ER")
                 np <- rate[] <- 1
             if (model == "ARD") {
                 np <- nl * (nl - 1)
                 rate[col(rate) != row(rate)] <- 1:np
             if (model == "SYM") {
                 np <- nl * (nl - 1)/2
                 rate[col(rate) < row(rate)] <- 1:np
                 rate <- t(rate)
                 rate[col(rate) < row(rate)] <- 1:np
         else {
             if (ncol(model) != nrow(model))
                 stop("the matrix given as `model' is not square")
             if (ncol(model) != nl)
stop("the matrix `model' must have as many rows\nas the number of categories in `x'")
             rate <- model
             np <- max(rate)
         index.matrix <- rate
         index.matrix[cbind(1:nl, 1:nl)] <- NA
         rate[cbind(1:nl, 1:nl)] <- 0
         rate[rate == 0] <- np + 1
         liks <- matrix(0, nb.tip + nb.node, nl)
         for (i in 1:nb.tip) liks[i, x[i]] <- 1
         phy <- reorder(phy, "pruningwise")
         Q <- matrix(0, nl, nl)
         dev <- function(p, output.liks = FALSE) {
                        p <- exp(p);
             Q[] <- c(p, 0)[rate]
             diag(Q) <- -rowSums(Q)
             for (i in seq(from = 1, by = 2, length.out = nb.node)) {
                 j <- i + 1
                 anc <- phy$edge[i, 1]
                 des1 <- phy$edge[i, 2]
                 des2 <- phy$edge[j, 2]
                 tmp <- eigen(Q * phy$edge.length[i], symmetric = FALSE)
                 P1 <- tmp$vectors %*% diag(exp(tmp$values)) %*%
                 tmp <- eigen(Q * phy$edge.length[j], symmetric = FALSE)
                 P2 <- tmp$vectors %*% diag(exp(tmp$values)) %*%
                 liks[anc, ] <- P1 %*% liks[des1, ] * P2 %*% liks[des2,

             if (output.liks)
                 return(liks[-(1:nb.tip), ])
             LH <- -2 * log(sum(liks[nb.tip + 1, ]));


out <- nlm(function(p) dev(p), p = rep(log(ip), length.out = np), hessian = TRUE);

         obj$rates <- exp(out$estimate);
         obj$loglik <- -out$minimum/2;

         if (any(out$gradient == 0))
warning("The likelihood gradient seems flat in at least one dimension (gradient null)\ncannot compute the standard-errors of the transition rates.\n")
        else obj$se <- sqrt(diag(solve(out$hessian)))
         obj$index.matrix <- index.matrix
         if (CI) {
             lik.anc <- dev(log(obj$rates), TRUE)
             lik.anc <- lik.anc/rowSums(lik.anc)
             colnames(lik.anc) <- lvls
             obj$lik.anc <- lik.anc

     obj$call <- match.call()
     class(obj) <- "ace"

Dan Rabosky
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology &
Fuller Evolutionary Biology Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-2701
DLR32Xcornell.edu (X = @)
ph 607 592 4636
fax 607 255 8088

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