Hi Andy,

Your diagnostic seems correct: this is due to the convergence of the likelihoods towards 0, then underflow occurs. Log-transformation doesn't seem a solution here, and I don't see an obvious solution. If anybody has a suggestion, that will be welcome. I'll try to explore some possibilities.


Le 06.06.2009 01:14, Andy Raduski a écrit :
Hi Everyone,

I have a problem with the ace function in the ape package. The same problem appears whether or not I use Emmanuel Paradis' "patch" posted on this discussion group recently.

Specifically, the problem seems to be related to the size of the phylogeny. My data set consists of ~1100 taxa with four discrete character states data (though I encounter the same problem with binary character analyses, as well). When I run ace, I receive this error:

"Error in eigen(Q * phy$edge.length[i], symmetric = FALSE) : infinite or missing values in 'x'"

The error can be replicated on simulated binary character data, although the above error is occasionally substituted by the following, instead:

"Warning message: In sqrt(diag(solve(h))) : NaNs produced"

but only when the number of simulated tips is drastically reduced (<500).

Over many simulated datasets I got both previously mentioned errors, the one below, as well as a list of warnings (which usually seem to result from flat likelihood surfaces):

"In nlminb(rep(ip, length.out = np), function(p) dev(p), ... :imaginary parts discarded in coercion."

I am not entirely sure why these errors occur but it seems to be an underflow issue with calculating likelihoods, because as the number of tips in simulated data decrease, the error rate is reduced, although simulations with fewer than 100 tips still occasionally fail, and my dataset of 1100 species always fails. Incidentally, a strikingly similar problem occurs in BayesTraits, which also cannot be used to analyze large datasets.

I would greatly appreciate any help or advice that anybody can offer.

Thanks in advance,


Andy Raduski
Graduate Student, Igic Lab
University of Illinois at Chicago
840 W Taylor St., MC067
Chicago, IL 60607

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Emmanuel Paradis
IRD, Montpellier, France
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