Good day all,

The estimate of nucleotide diversity vary hugely between pegas and Arlequin, yet they both cite Nei (1987).

For example,
Arlequin = 0.7158
pegas = 0.003926426
With the same dataset.

Their definitions of nucleotide diversity are also very different:

Arlequin: "It is computed here as the probability that two randomly chosen homologous (nucleotide or RFLP) sites are different."

pegas: "The nucleotide diversity is the sum of the number of differences between pairs of sequences divided by the number of comparisons (i.e. /n(n - 1)/2/, where /n/ is the number of sequences). "

Now, which is correct? Or more correct? How are they linked? Which should I use in a paper?

Thanks very much for any help,

Confused Al

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