Hi Théo,

It is possible to modify the code of ace() to take uncertain character states into account. If you edit the code with fix(ace), after these four lines:

   if (method != "ML")
       stop("only ML estimation is possible for discrete characters.")
   if (any(phy$edge.length <= 0))
       stop("some branches have length zero or negative")

you insert:

    if (any(x == "?")) x[x == "?"] <- NA

Then around 30 lines below, after this line:

   liks[cbind(TIPS, x)] <- 1

you insert:

   if (anyNA(x)) liks[which(is.na(x)), ] <- 1

Save and close. I tested this with a simple example:

tr <- compute.brlen(stree(8, "b"), 1)
x <- rep(0:1, each = 4)

So there are two clades in state 0 and state 1, respectively. With no uncertainty, the node likelihoods are well unbalanced except at the root:

R> ace(x, tr, "d")$lik.anc
               0           1
[1,] 0.500000000 0.500000000
[2,] 0.953204905 0.046795095
[3,] 0.995642789 0.004357211
[4,] 0.995642789 0.004357211
[5,] 0.046795095 0.953204905
[6,] 0.004357211 0.995642789
[7,] 0.004357211 0.995642789

Let's say the first value is unknown:

x[1] <- "?"

Now the node likelihoods are slightly "in favour" of state 1 because of the possibility of this state within the "state 0" clade:

R> ace(x, tr, "d")$lik.anc
               0           1
[1,] 0.479307333 0.520692667
[2,] 0.904647485 0.095352515
[3,] 0.943101903 0.056898097
[4,] 0.990270355 0.009729645
[5,] 0.053105869 0.946894131
[6,] 0.005881435 0.994118565
[7,] 0.005881435 0.994118565

For comparison, here's what is returned by the current version in ape:

R> ace(x, tr, "d")$lik.anc
               ?           0          1
[1,] 0.093607676 0.404434328 0.50195800
[2,] 0.096246928 0.787370632 0.11638244
[3,] 0.201389158 0.750401358 0.04820948
[4,] 0.011648214 0.974955230 0.01339656
[5,] 0.017176009 0.050038984 0.93278501
[6,] 0.003422534 0.006275985 0.99030148
[7,] 0.003422534 0.006275985 0.99030148

You may try this modification with your data and give feed-back: if it useful, I'll fix that in ape.



Le 21/06/2018 à 23:32, Théo Léger a écrit :

I am working on the phylogeny of a subfamily of moths and I use ace from the 
ape-package to reconstruct the ancestral state of a bunch of morphological 

I encountered a problem with the few unknown states I have on my matrix (coded 
"?", either because material for examination was missing or the state could not 
fit in any of the categories): they are treated as other characters. Is there a way to 
ignore them? Is there a way to estimate the state for the species with missing 
information? I know it is possible to estimate the state at a tip with missing 
information in functions like AncTresh (using bayesian reconstruction) from the phytools 
package, but I am not sure if ML reconstruction can do it.

Thanks in advance to those who can enlighten me!


Théo Léger

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