Hi Yan,

multi2di() calls rtree() if random = TRUE. As you rightly guessed, the 
algorithm used by this latter function is (described in APER2, p. 313):

1. Draw randomly an integer a on the interval [1, n − 1]. Set b = n − a.
2. If a > 1, apply (recursively) step 1 after substituting n by a.
3. Repeat step 2 with b in place of a.
4. Assign randomly the n tip labels to the tips.

This is indeed results in unequal frequencies of the possible topologies. If 
step 1 "n − 1" is replaced by "floor(n/2)", then all topologies are generated 
with equal probability.

Practically, I see two possibilities for you. If pratical, you generate a list 
with all possible topologies, for instance with phangorn's function allTrees:

R> library(phangorn)
R> TR <- allTrees(4, rooted = TRUE)
15 phylogenetic trees

Then you just draw randomly some integers between 1 and 15 and use them as 

R> s <- sample.int(length(TR), size = 1e5, replace = TRUE)
R> TR[s]
100000 phylogenetic trees

If you want, you can play with the option 'prob' of sample.int().

The other solution is to make copies of rtree() and multi2di() in your 
workspace: only rtree() needs to be modified and only where sample.int() is 
called in the recursive function foo. You also need to copy multi2di() even 
unchanged because of the package's namespace.




----- Le 27 Juin 20, à 4:46, Yan Wong y...@pixie.org.uk a écrit :

> I’m trying to figure out how to randomly resolve polytomies such that there is
> an equal probability of any topology being generated. I thought that the ape
> function “multi2di” did this, but when I have tried it repeatedly with a
> 4-tomy, multi2di seems to produce the 3 balanced trees [((a,b),(c,d)) ;
> ((a,c),(b,d)); ((a,d),(b,c))] twice as often as the 12 possible unbalanced
> dichotomous 4-tip rooted topologies. The R code I’ve used to produce the 
> sample
> topologies is something like this:
> do.call(c, lapply(1:100000, function(x) 
> multi2di(starTree(c('a','b','c','d')))))
> Firstly, is this expected, or am I doing something wrong (if expected, it 
> would
> be useful to note this in the docs)? Secondly, is there an function somewhere
> that *will* break polytomies to produce equiprobable topologies? If not,
> thirdly, is there an algorithm that will do this? I think the standard
> “repeatedly pick 2 random edges from the polytomy node and pair them off”
> results in the non-equiprobable distribution that I find using multi2di. I
> think I’ve found a similar problem with the Dendropy algorithm, which does
> claim to result in equiprobable topologies, and have posted to their mailing
> list in case I’m misunderstanding something.
> Cheers
> Yan Wong
> Big Data Institute, Oxford University
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