Pak Saaf dan Dunsanak Sadonyo.

Tagalak ambo, sekaligus sadiah dek karano maliek email dari "pak
Saaf", nan ambo fordwardkan di bawah.

Begitu mambaco bagian awal, ambo tau bhw iko penipuan (SCAM).

Tagalak dek karano penipuan melalui SCAM model iko lah model lamo,
dulu ado nan manyabuik dengan namo KENYA SCAM, krn versi awalnyo
pengirim mengaku ketinggalan dompet di taxi di Kenya.

Sadiah, dek nan kanai bajak iko email Bapak nan ambo hormati.

Tapi begitulah, SCAMMERS memang tidak memilih korban. Sia sajo dilantuangnyo.

Jadi kalau ado dunsanak lain nan manarimo email dari "pak Saaf palsu",
silahkan diabaikan saja, krn itu SCAM

Bekasi, l, 47

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Dr.Saafroedin BAHAR" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 13:39:44 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Urgent Please

Am in a great sorrow writing you this note, just wanted to inform you
about something very important,i could barely think straight at this
point,i hope you come to my aid. Because something very terrible is
happening to me now,i need a favor from you now,I had a trip here in

   Unfortunately for me all my money got stolen on my way to the hotel
where i lodged along with my bag were my passport was, and since then i
have been without any money i am even owing the hotel here.

   So i have limited access to emails for now, please i need you to
lend me about 1,200 Pounds so i can make arrangements and return back I
am full of panic now,the police only asked me to write a statement
about the incident and directed me to the embassy,i have spoken to the
embassy here but they are not responding to the matter effectively, I
will return the money back to you as soon as i get home, I am so
confused right now. I wasn't injured because I complied immediately.

I will be waiting to hear from you since i can't access the Internet always

Kind Regards,

Saafroedin Bahar(Laki-laki, masuk 73 th, Jakarta)

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