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Sender: Sjamsir Sjarif (

Comment from Sjamsir Sjarif:
Relokasi penduduk dari daerah longsor gempa. FYI:

Source: Jakarta Post
Date: 22 Nov 2009

The central and West Sumatra provincial governments will work together to
                relocate thousands of people whose homes were affected by
                landslides triggered by the Sept. 30 earthquake.

                Home Minister Gamawan Fauzi said Saturday the policy aimed
                at minimizing the amount of injuries and fatalities if a
                disaster strikes again.

                "We will not rebuild landslide- and quake-prone areas.

                "Residents will be relocated to safer areas," Gamawan, the
                West Sumatra governor when the 7.6-magnitude quake rattled
                the province, told

                Gamawan was attending a national gathering for West Sumatra
                organized by the University of Andalas's School of Law
                graduates in Jakarta.

                Based on recommendations from the Energy and Mineral
                Resources Ministry and a number of geologists, the
                relocation program will affect residents in one area in
                Padang Pariaman regency and two areas in Agam regency.

                "Those areas are vulnerable to landslides, even if an
                earthquake doesn't strike," Gamawan said.

                The cleared land will be utilized as plantation areas, he

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                by the ReliefWeb site are those of the authors and are not
                necessarily shared by UN OCHA or the ReliefWeb secretariat.
                Inclusion of links to sites outside the United Nations does
                not imply endorsement of the contents of those sites. Any
                user comments added to forwarded Email messages are those
                of the comment authors.

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