Alright folks I'm coming to the brains trust here. Don't let me down!
I was relying/hoping to get my hands on a Rons Back Bar but no bueno 
because I was asleep/at work while they were going out of stock.
Custom handlebars have been suggested which is brilliant except that my 
main spec requirement is that my handlebars be Aluminium. I am going for a 
'light' build and also it's just a preference that I'm sticking to. It is 
the reason I have also ruled out Tosco bars. Tosco's are almost exactly 
what I want but for the Cro-mo part.

*My needs:*
-Comes back a bunch
-Is wider than 600mm
-Has a nice amount of flare 40-60 degree range preferred
-Not too much rise
-Bar and stem combo Are in stock somewhere or will be in stock in a 
reasonable time frame.

*My Problems:*
-Reach on an XL frame. I have no idea how to know exactly what I am going 
to need reach wise but I know i'll need those bars to come back. ETT length 
from the stats Riv published years ago don't really tell me enough with the 
converging seat/headtube angle and unknown stack. I'm 187cm tall with a 
90cm PBH so longer leg to arm ratio. This bike is going to be *HUGE* for me 
but I'm 3cm within the fit range so...
-For a Flatish bars the best pick I can see would be a Jones non-loop bar. 
It has the width and flare I would be good with but I will need a zero 
reach stem or like a crust BJ. The problem here is finding a 31.8 clamp 
diameter quill stem in stock? I don't like my chances.
-For bars that come back Billie is my preference. Loscos are not wide 
enough and don't have enough flare. Boscos have too much rise and not 
enough flare but might be wide enough. The Tosco is steel only. The problem 
is with all these options is flare. this is the problem Ron's Back Bar 
solved for me. Billie is a great bar for 8 hours in the saddle rolling 
along but for 'fun stuff' it's not as good.

Please point me towards an obvious solution that I have missed! Thank you!

Also I live in Australia so everything is harder to get and shipping would 
make you Americans cry yourselves to sleep. Don't even start on exchange 
rates/ import duties and taxes.

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