Hi list

Colleague of mine wrote some R last week that was working OK, and hasn't been 
changed in itself since that time. This week it's ceased working( I've tried it 
on my machine and also see a fail, the following error is encountered:

Error in C_valid_tz(tzone): Function 'Rcpp_precious_remove' not provided by 
package 'Rcpp'

Searching around there aren't many hits. Those I do find seem quite recent 
(stackoverflow questions or GitHub issues logged in various projects, dates of 
posting are within the last few days). None of the posted queries seem to have 
a solution, one person said restarting RStudio helped, but not in my case. The 
SO question I found was marked as deleted. The GitHub issue I found was "I 
solved it" but no mention of how. The SO question was asking about svg export: 
The GitHub were also asking about packages I don't use -

Anyone on the list have any pointers? Thanks

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