I've worked as a RedDot developer for the past seven years.  Have I ever
been frustrated at times with RedDot?  Sure, you bet I have - at
times.  I've been frustrated at times with Windows, Mac, Dreamweaver,
Photoshop and every software and computer language I've ever learned
too.  Nothing in life is perfect, not content management systems, not
operating systems - perfection is a goal not a reality.  It's how you make
the best of what you have that counts.

If you're that unhappy with the output of the html you could override the
default RedDot text editor settings on an element level or skip the default
editor altogether and use ePhox or FCK or some other editor instead.  You
could probably go further and create plugins for those editors too and edit
them to your specifications.  You could reformat your templates and really
dumb them down with a bunch of standard fields and skip the text editor
altogether. Maybe this involves some sort of basic training for the editors
using your project?  I'm just saying, there are options.

When get frustrated I make sure to get some exercise and the frustration
always disappears. I can tell you that works for sure every time. Eating
healthy and getting a full night's sleep every night is really important
too.  Also, the RedDot customer support team is top notch.  They've always
helped my situation. Contacting my local sales rep has been helpful in the
past too.  I've never considered creating an anonymous complaint blog and
then advertising that blog anonymously on a mailing list because it
seems unlikely to change anything.  I'd suggest talking with people who can
help solve your problems if they're causing you this much frustration. No
offense, but creating an anonymous complaint blog seems like a kinda wierd
way to deal with the situation to me.  But hey, to each his own.  Peace.

Adam Boyle

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 4:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

> I am TOTALLY with you there (actually, I tend to go 'lower level' than
> DreamWeaver, preferring a good text editor), but let's see how the
> other gripes can be answered!
> On Nov 17, 9:26 pm, BrockSky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am pretty certain the majority of my gripes with RedDot will be
> > sorted out once the long awaited Dreamweaver integration actually
> > happens. I am primarily a template and css guy so I am desperate for a
> > good text editor. And when I say desperate I mean it.
> >
> > -- B
> >
> > On Nov 17, 2:22 pm, Frederic Hemberger
> >
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hey everybody,
> >
> > > for gripe #1: The upcoming RedDot release in May 2009 will contain a
> > > complete new text editor (with beautiful, valid output) as well as a
> > > brand new SmartEdit, which should also work flawlessly in Firefox,
> > > Opera & Co. I already had the chance to see a beta release at the
> > > RedDotDays last month and it looked very promising.
> >
> > > I know, RedDot overslept some new trends and technologies, but they're
> > > working hard to catch up at the moment, so give them some time.
> >
> > > @Tiffany: I think lots of documentation and special hints still only
> > > exist in German (as RedDot is a German company), even if stuff is
> > > translated as fast as possible. We are trying to change that as well
> > > with our blog (www.reddotcmsblog.com). If you have a topic which would
> > > fit nicely into an article, don't hesitate to drop me a mail (hey,
> > > same applies to you guys! But ladies first *g*).
> >

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