Hi Jasdip,

please find my comments below.

Il 05/07/2023 23:35, Jasdip Singh ha scritto:

On 7/5/23, 3:44 PM, "regext on behalf of Andrew Newton" <regext-boun...@ietf.org 
<mailto:regext-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of a...@hxr.us <mailto:a...@hxr.us>> wrote:
5) I'm very curious to know the WG reaction about the use of "noJCard"
extension. AFAIK, providing an alternative represention along with
jCard in an RDAP response has not been considered an issue so far even
in case of handling large amounts of data. Most of us (not me) have
considered too complex for both clients and servers to imlement the
negotiation of the contact representation to be returned in the
response. In addition, in this case, the negotiation is made through
two extension identifiers while in rdap-jscontact setting the jscard
parameter to 1/true means that jCard is not returned.
For most lookups, returning both will not matter much. However, for
searches yielding many more than one result it could be a definite
bandwidth savings.
The implementation would most likely be up to server policy on the server side.

[JS] Mario, sorry if I sound a bit biased here but IMO using the "noJCard" 
extension along with the RDAP-X based content negotiation looks like a rather neat idea 
whether used for Simple Contact or JSContact. It avoids the query parameter-based issues 
when negotiating content, as explained in the RDAP-X draft.

[ML] The objection was not on how negotiation should occur but in that it was easier for both RDAP servers and clients to have jCard and JSContact together in the same respose.

I'm happy to note that the wind is changing and now the focus is on the issues connected with the response payload as I have always outlined (and demonstrated through numbers).

As a result, (I would say magically) handling the combination of some extension identifiers has become less complex for both clients and servers than using a single parameter.




Dott. Mario Loffredo
Senior Technologist
Technological Unit “Digital Innovation”
Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT)
National Research Council (CNR)
via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 PISA, Italy
Phone: +39.0503153497
Web: http://www.iit.cnr.it/mario.loffredo

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