This is a short message to introduce a new software project named
bmrblib (  This project was spun
out of the relax BMRB branch and will be a relax dependency for BMRB
data deposition.  The project is an interface, currently with only a
Python front end - though C and other language interfaces can later be
added, for reading and writing the NMR-STAR formatted files of the
BioMagResBank (  It was written to allow
relax ( to produce NMR-STAR formatted files
for deposition of model-free dynamics data (and to read the data
downloaded from the BMRB for downstream research).  It ships with
Jurgen F. Doreleijers' pystarlib (
code, slightly modified, to read and write the basic STAR tags, but
provides a much higher level infrastructure abstracting the "saveframe
supergroup - saveframe - tag category - tag" hierarchy used by the
BMRB.  Data is passed into *.add() functions as floats, strings, or
lists, and returned by *.loop() functions in the same format.  The API
provided means that almost no knowledge of the NMR-STAR dictionary is
required to read and write BMRB NMR-STAR files.  For compatibility,
bmrblib supports the different NMR-STAR format versions.  It is
currently limited to data required for NMR relaxation and model-free
experiments, but can easily be extended by any interested parties.



relax (

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