Author: bugman
Date: Thu Mar 30 03:28:38 2006
New Revision: 2434

Removed the acknowledgment section of the manual.


Modified: 1.2/docs/latex/relax.tex
--- 1.2/docs/latex/relax.tex (original)
+++ 1.2/docs/latex/relax.tex Thu Mar 30 03:28:38 2006
@@ -99,19 +99,6 @@
-% Acknowledgements.
-Firstly, I am grateful and would like to thank Paul Gooley for giving me the 
opportunity to create this program as part of my PhD.  The duration of 
development has been considerable and I thank Paul for allowing me the time to 
learn Python and to implement many data analysis concepts into relax.
-I would also like to thank Andrew James Perry for innumerable, thoughtful 
discussions on both the science and programming aspects behind relax.  Many of 
the important design features of relax originated as ideas of his and much of 
the usability and core layout came from these discussions.  Examples include 
the prompt based interface with the help system and tab completion, the 
automatic generation of the documentation on the user functions by parsing 
their docstrings, details of the interaction with and control of other 
programs, and the powerful Python scripting.  Without Andrew, this program 
would not be what it is today.
-Finally I would like to thank Haydyn D.T. Mertens and James D. Swarbrick for 
many discussions and feedback.
 % Table of Contents.

Modified: 1.2/docs/relax.pdf
Binary files - no diff available.

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