Author: bugman
Date: Wed Jul 19 05:19:59 2006
New Revision: 2507

Spell check of the development chapter of the relax manual.


Modified: 1.2/docs/latex/develop.tex
--- 1.2/docs/latex/develop.tex (original)
+++ 1.2/docs/latex/develop.tex Wed Jul 19 05:19:59 2006
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
 \item[Prompt:]  The main user interface consisting of a Python\index{Python} 
prompt\index{prompt|textbf}.  The namespace of the interpreter contains the 
various user functions which are front ends to the generic code.  The user 
functions are simply Python functions which test the supplied arguments to make 
sure they are of the correct type (string\index{string}, 
integer\index{integer}, list\index{list}, or any other type) before sending the 
values to the generic code.  The code for the prompt is located in the 
directory \texttt{prompt/}.
-\item[Script:]  If a script\index{script|textbf} is supplied on the command 
line or executed within another user interface it will be run in the same 
namespace as that of the prompt.  Hence the script has access to all the user 
functions availible at the relax prompt.  This allows commands which are typed 
at the prompt to be pasted directly and unmodified into a text file to be run 
as a script.
+\item[Script:]  If a script\index{script|textbf} is supplied on the command 
line or executed within another user interface it will be run in the same 
namespace as that of the prompt.  Hence the script has access to all the user 
functions available at the relax prompt.  This allows commands which are typed 
at the prompt to be pasted directly and unmodified into a text file to be run 
as a script.
 \item[GUI:]  The graphical user interface\index{GUI|textbf}.  Although not 
coded the most mature and least destabilising widget set to use would be 
QT\index{QT}.  The GUI should be relatively easy to tie into relax.  The design 
is such that the GUI can be dropped straight into relax without effecting the 
normal prompt and script based operation of the program.
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
 \item[Generic code:]  This code includes classes and functions which are 
independent of the UI and not specific to a certain run type, for example not 
being involved in model-free analysis, relaxation curve-fitting, the NOE 
calculation, and reduced spectral density mapping.  All this code is located in 
the directory \texttt{generic\_fns/}.
-\item[Specific setup:]  This code implements the internal interface between 
the generic and specific code.  The generic code calls the specific setup 
asking for a specific function for the given run type.  For example by asking 
for the minimise function when the run type is model-free analysis the function 
\texttt{self.rel\-ax.spec\-if\-ic.mod\-el\_free.min\-im\-ise()} is returned.  
Althought the generic code accesses the specific code solely through this 
interface the specific code can access the generic code directly.  The code is 
located in the file \texttt{specific\_fns/specific\}.
+\item[Specific setup:]  This code implements the internal interface between 
the generic and specific code.  The generic code calls the specific setup 
asking for a specific function for the given run type.  For example by asking 
for the minimise function when the run type is model-free analysis the function 
\texttt{self.rel\-ax.spec\-if\-ic.mod\-el\_free.min\-im\-ise()} is returned.  
Although the generic code accesses the specific code solely through this 
interface the specific code can access the generic code directly.  The code is 
located in the file \texttt{specific\_fns/specific\}.
 \item[Specific code:]  This is the code which is specific to the run type -- 
model-free analysis, relaxation curve-fitting, reduced spectral density 
mapping, and the NOE calculation.  Each type is located in a separate file in 
the directory \texttt{specific\_fns/}.

Modified: 1.2/docs/relax.pdf
Binary files - no diff available.

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