Author: bugman
Date: Mon Dec 14 10:36:17 2015
New Revision: 28140

relax version 4.0.1.

This is a major feature and bugfix release.  Features include the new 
structure.pca user function
for performing a principle component analysis (PCA) of a set of structures, 
handling of replicated
R2eff data points in the dispersion analysis, improvements in the handling of 
PDB structures, the
protection against numpy >= 1.9 FutureWarnings for a number of soon to change 
behaviours in numpy,
and addition of a deployment script for the Google Cloud Computing.  Bugfixes 
include an error when
loading relaxation data, the CSA constant equation in the manual, missing 
information in the relax
state and results files, loading of certain state files in the GUI, running 
relax with no graphical
display and using matplotlib, BMRB export failure when a spin container is 
missing data or

      - copied from r28139, trunk/

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