On Fri, 23 Mar 2018 20:48:00 +0000
Joonas Kylmälä <joonas.kylm...@iki.fi> wrote:

> Hi!
> Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli:
> > Would some tool like patchwork be a good idea to track the patches
> > status?  
> I like the idea. I have found patchwork very useful when one needs to
> download patches sent to mailing list before joining the list, or if
> you are developing on different machine where you have your emails.
> Should we host ourselves or do you know somebody who has patchwork
> software already installed and we could join the instance?
I think it would make sense to host it ourselves, however I'm not aware
of any documentation of the Replicant infrastructure.

Here's what I know of it so far:
- Redmine is hosted by the OSUOSL and we can contact them through mail
  for issues, maintenance operations, and other technical interventions.
  The Redmine version is probably still very old and outdated. Note
  that I didn't check the version recently so I might be wrong on that.
- Wordpress (the blog) is also hosted by OSUOSL, so they can be
  contacted the same way. It however contains a plugin to auto-update
  itself, in order not to be permanently exposed on the Internet with
  known security issues.
- The mailing list is also hosted at OSUOSL. I don't know more on that.
- The git infrastructure is as I understand hosted on machines located
  at the FSF. Some actual or former key developers have or had SSH
  access to it but that's all I know.
- The IRC channel is hosted at Freenode, and I don't know who can
  manage it.
- I don't know how the domain name, mail redirection, and TLS
  certificates are managed.

Maybe hosting a patchwork instance could be done on the same hardware
that hosts the git repository.

It would be nice to consider whether or not to move services to the
machine hosting the git repositories.

I also wonder what is best to be able to easily change things and
handle daily operations such as security updates:
- OSUOSL, which may be long to act on things
- Replicant developers and community who already don't have a lot of
  free time.
- Since part of the infrastructure is hosted at the FSF, is it also
  administrated by some of the FSF staff? How does that work?


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