 I am trying to register resin pro as windows service with below statement
resin-pro-3.1.0\httpd -install -conf 
D:\casemanagement\resin-pro-3.1.0\conf\resin.conf  -resin-home 
D:\casemanagement\resin-pro-3.1.0 -stdout 
d:\casemanagement\resin-pro-3.1.0\logs\stdout.log -stderr 

The service is regsitering and server shows as started when i start service 
from windows services. But the web site is not accessbile. I see an wrror 
message in log directory. The file jvm.log  has an error showing the jvm colud 
not load the classes.
But when i double click on httpd.exe then it is working fine.

When i register as a windows service do i need to setup any windows environment 
variables like resin_jome, java_home or classpath etc.

Appreciate anyone's help.

Achuta rao.
resin-interest mailing list

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