On Jun 26, 2007, at 6:08 AM, Nathan Nobbe wrote:


im curious about application variables under the j2ee web application paradigm. are these used frequently in the context of application servers, like resin, or are they regarded as taboo?

For the most part, application state (i.e. single-jvm data) is either configuration or caching/pooling.

It's not common to put non-cache state on a single JVM because it doesn't scale.

also, has anyone heard of the shared nothing architecture? how does that pertain, if at all, to the j2ee paradigm?

That article looks misleading for j2ee (and also for php).

For many (most?) major sites, the database is the major headache, and that shared database doesn't really count as "shared nothing."

A major difference between php and j2ee is caching/pool. Php essentially does zero caching on the app server tier, so some larger sites dedicate a separate tier for caching (e.g. dedicated memcache servers.) J2ee tends to cache on the app-server tier itself, which is simpler and more efficient than the separate caching tier.

So there is state on each JVM for j2ee, but it's generally cache/ pooling state, not application state.

i was discussing application variables w/ some members of php- general and from the sound of it; they are taboo in the php world.

Yes, well, it's difficult to cache/share state in php at all, and thread synchronization is essentially non-existent, so it's taboo mostly because the capability doesn't really exist.

(Quercus does not share this PHP limitation, by the way. It's entirely possible to use a Java layer for caching/pooling and expose the cached/pooled values to a PHP layer.)

-- Scott

can any quercus users shed some light on this conundrum?


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