
So I touch'ed  prototype-compressed.js (to get rid of the 403) and we get:

 [0] GET /startpage/scripts/prototype-compressed.js HTTP/1.1
 [0] Remote-IP:
 [0] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; 
rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/
 [0] Accept: */*
 [0] Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
 [0] Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
 [0] Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
 [0] Keep-Alive: 300
 [0] Connection: keep-alive
 [0] If-Modified-Since: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 21:22:02 GMT
 [0] If-None-Match: "831XFs4IZoh"
 [0] Cache-Control: max-age=0
 [0] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 [0] ETag: "8UCDSWLScH5"
 [0] Last-Modified: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 01:28:45 GMT
 [0] Accept-Ranges: bytes
 [0] Cache-Control: max-age=5
 [0] Expires: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 01:28:57 GMT
 [0] Content-Type: application/x-javascript
 [0] Content-Length: 52498
 [0] write-chunk(16384)
 AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2] create
 db-block remove AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2]
 AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2] create
 db-block remove AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2]
 [0] write-chunk(16384)
 AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2] create
 db-block remove AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2]
 AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2] create
 db-block remove AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2]
 [0] write-chunk(16384)
 AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2] create
 db-block remove AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2]
 AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2] create
 db-block remove AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2]
 AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2] create
 db-block remove AutoCommitWriteBlock[Store[2],2]
 caching: /startpage/scripts/prototype-compressed.js etag="8UCDSWLScH5" 
 [0] keepalive
 [0] keepalive (select)

The 'write-chunk(16284)' looks like it is trying to do something - but 
FireBug and that website that sends HEAD instead of GET both report 53K. 
If someone can convince me that FireBug is just plain wrong  (tho it 
correctly reports on Windows XP) ...

OK. Maybe FireBug et. al. ARE wrong. I opened a fresh FireFox window 
over dialup and it took 27 seconds (a page refresh then took 2 seconds) 
, 1/3 the time that the websiteoptimization.com site said it should and 
1/2 the time a back-of-the-envelope calculation indicated. And given 
that the JS is most of the bytes going over the line, I now think that 
it IS being compressed but incorrectly reported on.

So, uh, I will continue to investigate, but I am afraid I have bothered 
everybody needlessly. Thanks for your help!

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