On Oct 16, 2007, at 3:47 PM, Hari Selvarajan wrote:

> To close, I should say that I personally love resin - its elegance,
> configuration simplicity and developer-friendliness.

That's a compelling reason right there.  Developer time isn't free  
unless you're volunteering your own time.

For a typical development budget, the staff salaries are the biggest  
deal.  Developer tools and equipment are really nothing in  
comparison.  You'll probably spend more salary costs (including  
management's salaries) in deciding which application server to use  
than a coupld of Resin licenses.

> It's just that I'm trying to find a reason to convince management  
> why we should use it over
> the "free" application server.

Remember, it is possible to use the open source version of Resin for  
deployment.  That doesn't pay our development costs, of course :).   
But the open source version of Resin is free.

-- Scott

> Many thanks,
> - Hari
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