Hi there,

I'm trying to configure an application, JIRA, to send notification  
through a mail server, gmail, and for that I have to define a JNDI  
resource with all the data to be able to connect to the SMTP server.
However, the problem is that the gmail SMTP server requires TLS and  
I've been unable to find out how to configure the resource so it  
connects appropriately.

After a bit of searching, I came up with this configuration as a starter:
<mail uri="properties:mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true">

However, all I get is:
com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a  
STARTTLS command first.

Which I believe is caused by the uri:properties being ignored or  
something similar. I also tried with:
<mail uri="properties:mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true;mail.smtp.auth=true">
In case it is not working due to mail.smtp.auth missing, but I'm not  
sure that is the correct way of specifying two properties.  
Documentation is kind of scarce in this area.

I could not find any example of using a mail JNDI resource in resin to  
connect to a TLS smtp server. I found some examples using Tomcat, but  
of course the configuration is different (thanks lovely spec.).

Is it possible at all?


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