On Mar 24, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Scott Hernandez wrote:

> Okay, got it. I will give it a try. Also, this means I can annotate
> beans with @Production/@Mock in the xml also, right?


> I have a feeling my xmlns declarations section (in resin-web.xml) is
> going to be very long. ;(

There's a solution for that.  There's a special "namespaces" file that  
sits in com/mycom/mypkg that lists alias packages, one per line.  So  
you could put all of your packages in a "namespaces" in com/mycom and  
use only one namespace declaration.

> Maybe I missed it but was there a section in jsr299 dealing with
> annotations of beans in xml, or is this resin specific?

It's part of jsr299.  You can specific any annotation as an XML child  
element of a bean definition and it gets added just as if you had  
declared the annotation on the bean.

-- Scott

> Thanks,
> Scott
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Scott Ferguson <f...@caucho.com>  
> wrote:
>> On Mar 23, 2009, at 12:46 PM, Scott Hernandez wrote:
>>> And everything is fine, but if I add another Queue (in resin- 
>>> web.xml)
>>> then I get a problem as I have more than one Queue and it is not
>>> unique for injection. Now, in the examples it shows using
>>> @Named("QueueName") but that annotation cannot be applied to a field
>>> as the example seems to indicate.
>>>       @Named("userUpdates")
>>>       private BlockingQueue userUpdateQueue;
>>> How do I differentiate between the queues in my injection  
>>> annotations?
>> The docs are a bit out of date, because the Java Injection spec has
>> changed a bit from the earlier draft.  "@Named" is now _only_ for EL
>> naming, not for binding.
>> In this case, you're supposed to create your own @BindingType
>> annotation, @UserUpdates.  So you inject it like:
>>   @UserUpdates
>>   private BlockingQueue userUpdateQueue;
>> And you configure it like:
>>   <jms:FileQueue>
>>    <Named>userUpdates</Named>
>>    <mypkg:UserUpdates xmlns:mypkg="urn:java:com.me.mypkg"/>
>>  </jms:FileQueue>
>> (I'd put the xmlns:mypkg at the top in a real config file.)
>> Creating the annotation is a little bit of extra work but has the
>> following advantages:
>>   1. it's "type safe", i.e. the compiler (and Java Injection) can
>> verify the @UserUpdates is a valid @BindingType annotation, e.g.
>> saving you from typos.
>>   2. it's documented by JavaDoc, so you can explain the purpose of
>> the @UserUpdates
>>   3. it fits into IDEs, because IDEs have access to the annotation
>> and to the xmlns of your configuration
>>   4. it gives you a chance to think carefully about the organization
>> of your components, in this case to double check that "UserUpdates"  
>> is
>> a logical and self-documenting description of the queue you're using.
>> The UserUpdates annotation is defined like:
>>   package com.me.mypkg;
>>   import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
>>   import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;
>>   import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
>>   import java.lang.annotation.Target;
>>   import javax.inject.BindingType;
>>   @BindingType
>>   @Retention(RUNTIME)
>>   public @interface UserUpdates {
>>   }
>> (Resin does have a com.caucho.config.Name for generic things like
>> databases, but that kind of general annotation is discouraged.)
>> -- Scott
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Scott
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